Friday, March 12, 2010

random thoughts on fear...

Random thoughts tonight...

Fear is like pain.

Pain is an indicator that something is going on. Pain says, "Hey, yo attention here. Step away from the flame. Stop smashing your fingers with that blasted hammer. Get that splinter out. Close your eye. Stop walking on the damaged leg. Go to a medical professional and FIX whats causing this."

Fear does the same.

Fear is not the opposite of faith. It is not something that we will ever live without. Fear is part of living. It is an indicator that something is going on. And where fear shows up, there stands Jesus...right behind me...right with me...saying,

"Yo yo...Pay attention here! I am doing something with you. The timing of this situation that has caused you fear is not by accident. I want to do something within you. Let's have the conversation that needs to happen here. This is the 'why' and this is the time. Lets go there."

Cheri Huber says, 'Every time we choose safety, we reinforce fear.' and i think we choose to stop moving redemptively towards the purposes of God in our lives.

Fear is a potential supernatural intersection. It requires courage to slow down and look it in the face and ask the questions that Jesus would have us ask. Its in those moments that we have some of the most poignant opportunities in our life. Moments where we discover more of Jesus...and find more of ourselves.

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