Thursday, May 6, 2010

remembering the works....

Need some help here. Have spent some time over the last week reminiscing...working my way through some of the incredible ways that Jesus has transformed lives over the last 10 years....

If you were are a part of The Revolution; FireHouse; G.C.; SuperCamps; Summer Camps; Conferences; Missions name it. Whether in the Philippines or in Canada...

Tell me about what happened in you. What did Jesus do in your life? What did He say to YOU? What did you walk away with? How has it altered the way you live, see, think, breath?




yellowgirl said...

what about tehillah???

J said...

yes...tehillah too....

Agatha Villa said...

I remember it started in April 10, 1999. I was sleeping at the back of the ASCM Chapel and hadn't even heard the sermon or what the altar call was for... All I knew was that there was this indescribable pull drawing me to go the front. It wasn't the first time I had gone but it was the first time I had really come in response to God's call. I remember that so many others were there praying out loud but all I could do was cry silently and pray in my heart - "I don't really have much to offer but if you want me, you can have me..."

I had never known God personally - even though I had grown in the church. I had always felt aversive at becoming involved in Church - because it felt so fake to me. But that night --- that YEAR --- God showed me just how real he was...

I left the Philippines for Hong Kong in 2000 but JRV's influence and ministry continued. In times when I felt most confused and lost, when God seemed so far and unreal - I'd be reminded very clearly of that one encounter that ruined me for life.

My God encounters at Firehouse, cultivated a love and hunger for God that I have never had - for anything in my life (even now). G.U.T.S. taught me the importance of discipline and obedience, the imperative of surrender and sacrifice. And JRV initiated my desire to serve God, to be his 'voice' in my generation, in whatsoever way made available.

Anonymous said...

Firehouse motivated and charged me up for the week ahead. God really moved in my heart and in the lives of others. It was laying everything down on God's altar and dedicating my future to God's will that changed me.

J said...

on behalf of Ang Crossman:
I'm just replying. Instead of going to the blog. Sorry.

where to start.......
Well, to start off with Generation Contact was, for me, basically a weekly butt-kicking and healing session. It made me see and approach God the way that He's asked us to: open and free, completely vulnerable and honest. I think that being able to do that during those formative years (17 to 23ish) has made me free as an adult from a lot of the burdens and garbage that alot of other people seem to carry on from their teens. (Not judging, just grateful..) I was humbled, let down by people, let others down, and saw God move through it all. A great experience in seeing His perfection and power in inperfect surroundings. It also made me love people.

SuperCamp, and summer camps... I mostly experienced these as a leader. God usually timed these events perfectly for me to pluck me out of whatever stupidity and heartbreak I had put myself into, and bring me relief, refreshing and a proper perspective. (And get swamp itch.) This is where God built my confidence as a leader and gave me a passion to work with girls and young women.

Otherwise, throughout my time, I'd say that the main lesson that God worked on me with was to seek wisdom. The Proverbs were the most pivotal in my development during that time- God led me to read them over and over, repeatedly. I didn't realize it at the time, but God saved me from a lot of wrong paths by doing this. He also helped me take unexpected paths that seemed slightly crazy at the time, but always led somewhere surprising and awesome. This was a great exercise in accepting that I was never going to get myself anywhere, but that God was going to get me everywhere. To accept that any occurance in my life (whether seemingly "good" or "bad") was the grace of God (step by step) making me into the best version of myself. Ongoing, obviously.

If there was something that I didn't quite get during this time (that I have since gotten more of) is knowing that, although I shouldn't rest on my laurels, God is pleased with me as I am, in my own quietness and restraint. It's the way He made me, and I have come to appreciate that. It took a little more time for me to shake the feeling of not being what I thought others wanted me to be (they probably didn't- I just thought they did.)

There's always more.
Hope all is well!
Love Ang.